Программы вступительных испытаний
Программа вступительного испытания по иностранному языку для поступающих на образовательные программы высшего образования – программы подготовки научных и научно-педагогических кадров в аспирантуре
Пример карточки для уровней А1-А2
Пример карточки для уровней B1.2-C1
Пример карточки для B1.1
Примерные вопросы для уровня А1-В1.1
Примерные вопросы для уровня В1.2-С1
Программа вступительного испытания (экзамена) в аспирантуру по иностранному языку разработана в соответствии с государственными образовательными стандартами высшего образования уровней специалист, магистр.
Целью вступительного испытания по «Иностранному языку» является оценка уровня освоения поступающим компетенций, необходимых для обучения по образовательным программам высшего образования – программам подготовки научно-педагогических кадров в аспирантуре.
Форма вступительного испытания с использованием дистанционных технологий: компьютерный тест, устное собеседование.
Продолжительность проведения вступительного испытания - 30 минут отводится на выполнения теста, на устную часть - рассказ о себе и выполнение заданий устной части - отводится до 15 минут.
Для экзамена установлена 4-балльная шкала оценивания с оценками 0, 1, 2 и 3, где 0 является неудовлетворительной оценкой.
Содержание вступительного испытания
Экзамен состоит из двух частей.
Часть А - тест (вопросы с вариантами ответов). Каждый вопрос в тесте оценивается как верный/неверный. По результатам тестирования абитуриенту выставляется промежуточный языковой уровень. Абитуриент, получивший промежуточный уровень А1, к устной части не допускается и завершает экзамен с оценкой “0”.
Часть В - устная часть. Финальный языковой уровень абитуриента определяется результатами устного собеседования. В зависимости от промежуточного уровня, установленном после прохождения письменного тестирования абитуриенту предлагаются следующие виды заданий на устной части:
- промежуточный уровень А2-В1.1: абитуриент рассказывает о себе и своих научных интересах (заранее подготовленное устное высказывание монологического характера), отвечает на пять вопросов на три разные темы, задает 5 вопросов по карточке с картинкой, которую получает в процессе экзамена.
- промежуточный уровень В1.2-С1: абитуриент рассказывает о себе и своих научных интересах (заранее подготовленное устное высказывание монологического характера), отвечает на вопросы по карточке с картинкой, готовит устное высказывание на 3 минуты на заданную тему, на подготовку отводится 1 минута.
В части В абитуриент может набрать от 0 до 10 баллов.
0-5 баллов – финальный уровень определяется ниже промежуточного
6-9 баллов - финальный уровень соответствует промежуточному
10 - баллов - абитуриент отвечает на дополнительные вопросы и финальный уровень определяется, как соответствующий промежуточному или выше промежуточного.
Для оценки устной части используется 10 критериев, за выполнение каждого критерия абитуриент получает 1 балл, если критерий не выполнен - 0 баллов.
Установлены следующие критерии:
1. Ответ абитуриента соответствует заданию;
2. Аргументация убедительная, доводы понятны и логически связаны;
3. Абитуриент использует 3 и более слова-связки, характерные для своего текущего уровня;
4. Ответы на вопросы быстрые, в речи отсутствуют долгие паузы.
5. Абитуриент использует по крайней мере три грамматические конструкции, характерные для своего текущего уровня;
6. Абитуриент использует 3-4 лексические единиц, характерные для своего текущего уровня;
7. Абитуриент допускает не более 5 лексических ошибок;
8. Абитуриент допускает не более 2 ошибок в грамматических структурах;
9.Абитуриент предпринимает попытку использовать грамматические конструкции и лексику, характерную для уровней выше;
10. Произношение понятно на словесном и фразовом уровнях.
Оценка за экзамен выставляется в соответствии с финальным уровнем:
В2-С1-С2 – оценка «3»
В1.1-В1.2 – оценка «2»
А2 – оценка «1»
A0-А1 - оценка «0»
Грамматические конструкции и лексический материал для каждого уровня.
Грамматические формы: BE in affirmative, negative and interrogative PRESENT forms; plural form of singular nouns; have; articles (a/an/the) in simple sentences; Present Simple; asking questions (yes/no and special); there is/ there are in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms; possessive ‘S; this/these, that/those; past Simple BE in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms; present Continuous about current activities (affirmative, negative, interrogative forms); can for ability; be going to for plans (affirmative, negative, interrogative forms).
Лексический материал: Countries and Nationalities; common nouns; common adjectives (bad, beautiful, big, boring, difficult, easy, funny, good, happy, interesting, new, old, right, sad, small, wrong); common verbs; numbers 1-100; possessive adjectives; object pronouns; adverbs of frequency (always, never, usually, sometimes); food; time (o’clock, half past/to, (a) quarter past/to, twenty past/to; family and people; places and towns; homes; a few/lots of; jobs; daily routine verbs (arrive home, finish work, get home, get up, go to bed, go to school, go to work, have a coffee, have a shower, have breakfast, have dinner, have lunch, start work, wake up, watch TV); clothes; colours; past time expressions (yesterday, ago, last, at the weekend, on Monday, this morning); free time activities; transport; seasons/ Months and weather (cloud, cloudy, cold, hot, rain (n/v.), rainy, snow (n/v), snowy, sunny, warm, wind, windy); the home (rooms, common objects); place phrases with prepositions (in a cafe, at a party, on a bus); life events (be born, die, go to/ finish school, grow up, get married, have a baby, stop working); abilities ((can) cook (dinner), dance, drive a car /to work, paint (a picture), play cards, play (sport), ride a bike /a motorbike/a horse, run, sing, swim); future time expressions (at the weekend, in March, next, on Monday, this); common verbs and collocations (do sport/yoga/the cleaning/the washing, do homework, go to the beach, clean a room/ flat, invite someone to a party/ for a meal, make a cake, visit a friend/ city/
museum, use a computer/the Internet).
Грамматические формы: be in present forms (affirmative,negative, interrogative, short answers); present simple for routines+position of frequency adverbs; have got (affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers); countable/uncountable nouns; a/an, some/any; quantifiers (much, many, a lot (of)); there is/ There are in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms; possessive ‘S; past Simple (all forms, regular/irregular verbs), love/like/don’t mind/hate +V-ing; can/can’t + could/couldn’t for ability; have to/ don’t have to; present continuous, present continuous vs present simple; comparative adjectives; superlative adjectives; present perfect (affirmative, negative, interrogative forms); present perfect vs past simple; going to for future plans; should, shouldn’t.
Лексический материал: countries and nationalities, personality adjectives brilliant, cool, fantastic, friendly, great, kind, lovely, pleasant, popular, quiet, warm, well-known); common adjectives (amazing, horrible, modern, old, poor, rich, terrible, wonderful); jobs; studying; time (o’clock, half past/to, (a) quarter past/to, five/ten past/to); adverbs of frequency (always, never, usually, often, sometimes); time expressions (every, once/twice/three times a week), prepositions of time (on/at/in); common verbs (buy, cost, decide,find, help, meet, prefer, sell, stay); technology and IT (camera,computer, e-reader, headphones, keyboard, laptop, printer, satnav, smartphone, tablet, check emails, click on a link, download a file, log on to a computer/ website, make, calls, save a document/file, surf the Web, visit a website); food + cooking verbs / adjectives, containers; sequencing words (first, then, next, after that, finally); places in cities; furniture; linking words (and, but, so, first, secondly, finally); words to link ideas (in, when, while, later, after, however, also, too, as well); prepositions of place; family; years and dates; transport (means, collocations and adjectives); sport and exercise; body parts; appearance (attractive, curly/dark/ fair/ long/ short/ straight hair, fat, fit, good-looking, pretty, thin); adverbs of manner (slowly, quickly, fast); tell and say; possessive adjectives; shopping (names of shops, money and prices); clothes; high numbers; irregular verbs (Past Simple, Past Participle); music; geography and travel collocations.
Грамматические формы: Present Simple and Present Continuous in affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences; Past Simple and Past Continuous; Present Perfect for experience, result, with for/since/just/already/yet; expressing Future: Present Continuous, be going to, will/shall; modal verbs for expressing necessity and prohibition, modal verbs for predictions; should/shouldn’t and Imperatives; comparatives and superlatives; used to; Present and Past Passives; first and Second Conditionals; quantifiers, too/not enough; Past Perfect; reported speech.
Лексический материал: сommon adjectives, adverbs of frequency; tourism and travel collocations (give a lift/go sightseeing/have a crash/board a train); money (borrow/lend/owe/pay back/ discount/charity); items of clothing, adjectives describing places (noisy/ancient/outdoor/magnificent); work and jobs, work collocations (work long hours/deal with people/earn a good salary); ed/ing adjectives, verbs and dependent prepositions (look at/wait for); health and fitness, health problems (be overweight,/get in shape/regular smoker); verbs used in the Passive; subjects, education collocations (hand in an essay/major in/get a degree); verbs followed by Gerunds and Infinitives; adverbials for luck and chance; animals; personality adjectives.
Грамматические формы: Present simple and Present Continuous; Present Perfect Simple, Continuous and Past Simple; narrative tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect); Used to; modals and phrases of ability (be able to, can,
could, manage to); articles; future forms (will, going to, present continuous); conditionals (zero, 1st, 2nd, 3rd); modals of obligation and deduction; comparative and superlative; quantifiers; reported speech and verb patterns; passive voice; defining and non-defining relative clauses.
Лексический материал: work (apply for, business contacts, candidate, career, CV,employee, employer, grades, in charge of, knowledge, practical skills, problem-solving skills, team); communication (argue, complain, encourage, express feelings, face to face, give a presentation, give opinions, greet, insist,
interview, keep in touch, persuade, speak in public, tell a joke); technology (app, browse, browser, button, click on, connect to, delete, device, download, icon, install, password, press, send, share, text message, turn on, turn off, upload, username); gradable and extreme adjectives (awful, boiling, brilliant, confident, delicious, enormous, exhausted, fantastic, filthy,freezing, furious, important, impossible, miserable, tiny, useful, useless); relationships (background, emotional support, friendship, get on with, get to know, have in common, keep in touch, personality, relationship, relative, sense of humour, shared interests, stranger); family (childhood, generation, nephew, niece, older/ oldest child/brother/sister, middle child, only child, raise children); multi-word verbs (bring smbd up, cut smth off, get together, grow apart, grow up, hang out with, mix things/people up, ring smbd up, take after someone); ability (ability, achievement, bright, brilliant at, confident at, determined, give up, intelligent, a positive attitude, success, successful, talented at); -ed/-ing adjectives; personality adjectives; reported speech and verb patterns; passive voice; defining and non-defining relative clauses; environmental issues (climate change, conservation project, creature, damage, destroy, endangered, the environment, environmentally friendly, limit, local, natural, pollution, prevent, protect, recycle, save,species,survive, wildlife); the natural world (branch, feather, fur, leaf, paws, petals, scales, skin, tail, web; bay, cave, coast, desert, lake, national park,ocean, rainforest, sea, stream, valley, waterfall); compound nouns (air conditioning, bus driver, culture shock, cycle lane, Emergency Department, firefighter, forest fires, living conditions, pedestrian crossing, rush hour, traffic jam, traffic lights, workplace); describing food (bitter, cooked, creamy, crunchy, dried, fresh, heavy, hot, light, raw, rich, sour, spicy, sweet, tasty; add, ch op, fry, heat up, mash, mix, serve, squeeze, stir); buildings (attic, balcony,basement, block of flats, doorbell, downstairs, (ground/ first/ second) floor, flat, front door, landing, location, lock, move house, move into, move out of neighbourhood, rent, steps, terrace, upstairs, view); verbs and prepositions (apologise for, argue about/with,believe in, belong to, care about, complain to/about, cope with, depend on, pay for, rely on, succeed in, think about, wait for, worry about); the news (article, blogger, breaking news, business news, celebrity news/gossip, current affairs, editor, entertainment news, news feed, news organisations, headline, journalist, post a comment, presenter, reporter, social media, spread, the news); shopping (be able to afford smth, be in stock, be on sale, come out, get a refund, good value for money, have a guarantee, look for a bargain, reasonably priced, take/send smth back); reporting verbs (agree to do, admit doing, advise smbd to do smth, invite smbd to do smth, offer to do, promise to do, recommend doing, refuse to do, remind smbd to do smth, suggest doing, threaten to do, warn (not) to do something); cinema and TV (action, animation, based on, character, chat show, comedy, director, documentary, drama, film, game show, horror, romance, scene, science fiction, soap opera, studio, thriller); music (album, audience, choir, DJ, festival, instrument, musician, orchestra, perform, playlist, play live, track); sport (attack, beat, compete (for something), competitor, court, extreme sport, have a go, lose, miss (a ball), net, opponent, referee, score, track, training, win (a point, game, match), workout); expressions with do, make and take; adjectives and prepositions (afraid of, essential for, interested in, perfect for, popular with, proud of, right for, scared of, similar to, tired of, worried about).
Грамматические формы: simple, continuous and present tenses; active and Passive; conditionals; used to and would; obligation and permission (to be supposed to, to be allowed to, to be forced to etc.); future probability (might/is certain to/is likely to etc); gerunds and infinitives (after certain verbs and in certain
structures, e.g. infinitive of purpose); too/enough/so/such; causative have/get; relative clauses; reported speech; past modals of deduction; wishes and regrets.
Лексический материал: character adjectives (self-confident, arrogant, loyal, ambitious etc), environment (at risk, endangered, solar energy, carbon footprint, fragile environment etc); travelling and tourism and adjectives to describe places (stunning, memorable, superb, awe-inspiring etc); success and failure, ability and
achievement, expressing difficulty and talking about effort (demanding, awkward,
delicate subject, outstanding, exceptional,give up, keep it up, overcome, tackle etc); cause and result (leads to, caused by, effect vs affect etc.); city living (urban development, air pollution, traffic congestion etc); crime (crimes-criminals-verbs, to be sentenced, court etc); health (treat, develop an allergy, etc); verbs describing thought and knowledge (doubt, assume, realise etc.); adjectives with prefixes (irresponsible, informal, dissatisfied).