Копаница Георгий Дмитриевич

PhD, медико-биологические науки
Структурное подразделение:
факультет цифровых трансформаций
доцент (квалификационная категория "ординарный доцент")
1.2.1. - Искусственный интеллект и машинное обучение
05.13.10 - Управление в социальных и экономических системах
05.13.11 - Математическое и программное обеспечение вычислительных машин, комплексов и компьютерных сетей
2.3.5. - Математическое и программное обеспечение вычислительных систем, комплексов и компьютерных сетей
2.3.8. - Информатика и информационные процессы
1.2.3. - Теоретическая информатика, кибернетика
05.13.18 - Математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ
05.13.17 - Теоретические основы информатики

Область интересов:
Теории анализа и синтеза интеллектуальных медицинских информационных систем Моделирование и проектирование интеллектуальных медицинских информационных систем Семантическое моделирование систем Алгоритмы синтеза модели требований и модели классов на основе процессной модели Модальные формализмы и нецелеориентированные стратегии вывода. Область моих научных интересов лежит в оптимизации методов управления в здравоохранении, а именно: Разработка методов формализации и постановка задач управления в социальных и экономических системах. Разработка моделей описания и оценок эффективности решения задач управления и принятия решений в социальных и экономических системах. Разработка методов и алгоритмов решения задач управления и принятия решений в социальных и экономических системах.
Рабочий язык:
Английский, Немецкий, Русский, Французский

Публикации руководителя
Выходные данные Год Индексирование в БД
Soma G., Kopanitsa G. Development of models for managing the population mass service system in a bank//E3S Web of Conferences, 2024, Vol. 474, pp. 02006 2024 Scopus
Guedes S., Kopanitsa G. Development of an emotion and age recognition model based on the combination of local binary patterns and squeeze-and-excitation block method//Proceedings of SPIE, 2024, Vol. 13217, pp. 132170I 2024 Scopus, Web of Science
Kopanitsa G., Metsker O., Kovalchuk S. Machine Learning Methods for Pregnancy and Childbirth Risk Management//Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2023, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 975 2023 Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список
Soma G.M., Kopanitsa G.D. System for customers’ routing based on their emotional state and age in public services systems//Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics], 2023, Vol. 23, No. 5(147), pp. 1009-1020 2023 RSCI, Scopus, Белый список, ВАК, РИНЦ
Kopanitsa G., Kovalchuk S. Study of the User Behaviour Caused by Automatic Recommendation Systems Call to Action//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2022, Vol. 299, pp. 89-96 2022 Scopus
Kovalchuk S.V., Kopanitsa G.D., Derevitskii I., Matveev G.A., Savitskaya D.A. Three-stage intelligent support of clinical decision making for higher trust, validity, and explainability//Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2022, Vol. 127, pp. 104013 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Gerasimov A., Trofimov E., Kopanitsa G., Metsker O. Modelling Investment Programs with Machine Learning and Data Mining: Descriptive and Predictive Models of Healthcare State Programs in Russia//Proceedings of the 31st Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2022, pp. 45-50 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Skiba I., Kopanitsa G., Metsker O., Yanishevskiy S., Polushin A. Application of Machine Learning Methods for Epilepsy Risk Ranking in Patients with Hematopoietic Malignancies Using//Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 1306 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Dubasova E., Berdashkevich A., Kopanitsa G., Kashlikov P., Metsker O. Social Network Users Profiling Using Machine Learning for Information Security Tasks//Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2022, pp. 87-92 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Irtyuga O., Kopanitsa G., Kostareva A., Metsker O., Uspensky V., Gordeev M., Faggian G., Sefieva G., Derevitskii I., Malashicheva A., Shlyakhto E. Application of Machine Learning Methods to Analyze Occurrence and Clinical Features of Ascending Aortic Dilatation in Patients with and without Bicuspid Aortic Valve//Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 794 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Kopanitsa G. Study of patients' attitude to automatic interpretation of laboratory test results and its influence on follow-up rate//BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2022, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 79 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Lenivtceva I., Panfilov D., Kopanitsa G., Kozlov B. Aortic Risks Prediction Models after Cardiac Surgeries Using Integrated Data//Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 637 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Kopanitsa G.D., Malushko A., Komlichenko E., Bolgova K.V., Paskoshev D. Gynecological Surgery and Machine Learning: Complications and Length of Stay Prediction//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2021, Vol. 281, pp. 575-579 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Trofimov E., Kopanitsa G. Application of machine learning metrics for dynamic E-justice processes//Proceedings of the 28th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2021, pp. 9347598 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Lenivtceva I.D., Grechishcheva S., Kopanitsa G.D., Panfilov D., Kozlov B. Predicting the aortic aneurysm postoperative risks based on Russian integrated data//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2021, Vol. 285, pp. 88-93 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Trofimov E., Kopanitsa G. Application of machine learning for E-justice//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, Vol. 1828, No. 1, pp. 012006 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Ленивцева Ю.Д., Копаница Г.Д. Определение типа аллергии на основании неструктурированных медицинских записей // Врач и информационные технологии -2021. - № 1. - С. 18-24 2021 RSCI, ВАК, РИНЦ
Ленивцева Ю.Д., Копаница Г.Д. Метод сопоставления форматов обмена медицинскими данными и терминологий // Врач и информационные технологии -2021. - № 1. - С. 75-83 2021 RSCI, ВАК, РИНЦ
Ленивцева Ю.Д., Копаница Г.Д. Автоматическое определение типа аллергии из неструктурированных медицинских текстов на русском языке [Automatic allergy classification based on russian unstructured medical texts] // Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics] -2021. - Т. 21. - № 3(133). - С. 433-436 2021 RSCI, Scopus, ВАК, РИНЦ
Lenivtceva I.D., Kopanitsa G.D. The Pipeline for Standardizing Russian Unstructured Allergy Anamnesis Using FHIR AllergyIntolerance Resource//Methods of Information in Medicine, 2021, Vol. 60, No. 3-4, pp. 95-103 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Kopanitsa G.D., Derevitckii I.V., Savitskaya D.A., Kovalchuk S. Assessing acceptance level of a hybrid clinical decision support systems//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2021, Vol. 287, pp. 18-22 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Kopanitsa G.D. Influence of Healthcare Organization Factors on Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2021, Vol. 287, pp. 149-152 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Grechishcheva S., Lenivtceva I., Kopanitsa G., Panfilov D. Filtering free-text medical data based on machine learning//Procedia Computer Science, 2021, Vol. 193, pp. 82-91 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Kopanitsa G.D., Irtyuga O., Uspenskiy V. Dynamic aortic aneurism risk factors//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2021, Vol. 285, pp. 130-135 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Kopanitsa G.D., Metsker O., Bolgova E.V., Kovalchuk S. Lifestyle cancer survival predictors: Influence of vegetarian diet on the relapse of endometrial cancer//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2021, Vol. 285, pp. 193-198 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Paskoshev D., Kopanitsa G.D., Trofimov E., Metsker O. Simulation of a Judicial Process Using Machine Learning to Analyze Administrative Prejudice and Indicate the Quality of Justice//Proceedings of the 30th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2021, pp. 165-170 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Trofimov E., Metsker O., Kopanitsa G.D., Pashoshev D. Regulation modelling and analysis using machine learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in Russia//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2021, Vol. 285, pp. 259-264 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Kopanitsa G.D., Metsker O., Paskoshev D., Greschischeva S. Identification of Risk Factors and Prediction of Sepsis in Pregnancy Using Machine Learning Methods//Procedia Computer Science, 2021, Vol. 193, pp. 393-401 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Kopanitsa G.D., Yakovlev A., Karlina V., Zvartau N.E. Survival analysis of COVID-19 patients in russia using machine learning//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2020, Vol. 273, pp. 223-227 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Kashina M., Lenivtceva I.D., Kopanitsa G.D. Preprocessing of unstructured medical data: the impact of each preprocessing stage on classification//Procedia Computer Science, 2020, Vol. 178, pp. 284-290 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Kopanitsa G.D., Metsker O.G., Yakovlev A., Fedorenko A., Zvartau N.E. Modelling of COVID-19 morbidity in russia//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2020, Vol. 273, pp. 262-265 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Kopanitsa G.D., Komlichenko E., Yanushanets M., Bolgova E.V. Prediction of a due date based on the pregnancy history data using machine learning//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2020, Vol. 273, pp. 104-108 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Kopanitsa G.D. Follow-up on the abnormal laboratory test results with automatic interpretation//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2020, Vol. 273, pp. 240-245 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Behar J., Liu C., Kotzen K., Tsutsui K., Corino V.D., Singh J., Pimentel M.A., Warrick P., Zaunseder S., Andreotti F., Sebag D., Kopanitsa G., Mcsharry P.E., Karlen W., Karmakar C., Clifford G. Remote health diagnosis and monitoring in the time of COVID-19//Physiological Measurement, 2020, Vol. 41, No. 10, pp. 10TR01 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Kopanitsa G.D., Bolgova E.V. Prediction of childbirth mortality using machine learning//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2020, Vol. 273, pp. 109-114 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Magoev K., Yanishevskiy S., Yakovlev A., Kopanitsa G.D., Zvartau N.E. Identification of diabetes risk factors in chronic cardiovascular patients//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2020, Vol. 273, pp. 136-141 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Lenivtceva I.D., Kashina M., Kopanitsa G.D. Category of Allergy Identification from Free-Text Medical Records for Data Interoperability//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2020, Vol. 273, pp. 170-175 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Dudchenko A., Ganzinger M., Kopanitsa G.D. Machine learning algorithms in cardiology domain: A systematic review//Open Bioinformatics Journal, 2020, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 25-40 2020 Scopus
Metsker O., Magoev K., Yakovlev A., Yanishevskiy S., Kopanitsa G., Kovalchuk S., Krzhizhanovskaya V.V. Identification of risk factors for patients with diabetes: diabetic polyneuropathy case study//BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2020, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 201 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Lenivtceva I.D., Slasten E.S., Kashina M., Kopanitsa G.D. Applicability of Machine Learning Methods to Multi-label Medical Text Classification//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2020, Vol. 12140 LNCS, pp. 509-522 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Kopanitsa G.D. Automatic Interpretation of Laboratory Tests and Its Influence on Follow-up//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2020, Vol. 270, pp. 916-920 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Vozniuk I., Kopanitsa G.D., Morozova E., Prohorova M. Stroke ICU patient mortality day prediction//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2020, Vol. 12140 LNCS, pp. 390-405 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Magoev K., Yanishevskiy S., Yakovlev A., Kopanitsa G.D. Risk Factors for Chronic Diabetes Patients//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2020, Vol. 270, pp. 1379-1380 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Semenov I., Osenev R., Gerasimov S., Kopanitsa G.D., Denisov D., Andreychuk Y. Experience in Developing an FHIR Medical Data Management Platform to Provide Clinical Decision Support//International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 73 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Metsker O., Efimov E., Trofimov E., Kopanitsa G.D., Bolgova E.V., Yakovlev A. Performance Improvement Algorithms in Big Data Analysis//Procedia Computer Science, 2020, Vol. 178, pp. 386-393 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Dudchenko A., Dudchenko P., Ganzinger M., Kopanitsa G.D. Extraction from Medical Records//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2019, Vol. 261, pp. 62-67 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Bobrova M., Taranik M.A., Kopanitsa G.D. Using Neural Networks for Diagnosing in Dermatology//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2019, Vol. 261, pp. 211-216 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Lenivtceva I.D., Kopanitsa G.D. Evaluating Manual Mappings of Russian Proprietary Formats and Terminologies to FHIR//Methods of Information in Medicine, 2019, Vol. 58, No. 4-5, pp. 151-159 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Dudchenko A., Ganzinger M., Kopanitsa G.D. Optimization of Clinical Decision Support Based on Pearson Correlation of Attributes//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2019, Vol. 261, pp. 199-204 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Dudchenko A., Kopanitsa G.D. Comparison of word embeddings for extraction from medical records//International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, Vol. 16, No. 22, pp. 4360 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Taranik M., Kopanitsa G.D. Using Machine Learning for Personalized Patient Adherence Level Determination//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2019, Vol. 261, pp. 174-178 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Dudchenko P., Dudchenko A., Kopanitsa G.D. Heart Disease Dataset Clusterization//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2019, Vol. 261, pp. 162-167 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Dudchenko A., Ganzinger M., Kopanitsa G.D. Diagnoses Detection in Short Snippets of Narrative Medical Texts//Procedia Computer Science, 2019, Vol. 156, pp. 150-157 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Kopanitsa G.D. Microservice Architecture to Provide Medical Data Management for Decision Support//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2019, Vol. 261, pp. 230-235 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Lenivtseva Y.D., Kopanitsa G.D. Investigation of Content Overlap in Proprietary Medical Mappings//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2019, Vol. 258, pp. 41-45 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Dudchenko A., Kopanitsa G.D., Knaup P., Ganzinger M. A Predictive Model for Patient Similarity: Classes Based on Secondary Data and Simple Measurements as Predictors//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2018, Vol. 249, pp. 167-172 2018 Scopus, Web of Science
Dudchenko A., Kopanitsa G. Decision support systems in cardiology: A systematic review//Studies in health technology and informatics, 2017, Vol. 237, pp. 209-214 2017 Scopus, Web of Science