Кудлис Андрей

кандидат физико-математических наук
Структурное подразделение:
физический факультет
преподаватель (квалификационная категория "преподаватель")
01.04.05 - Оптика
1.3.3. - Теоретическая физика
01.04.02 - Теоретическая физика
1.3.6. - Оптика

Область интересов:
Сильные корреляции в низкоразмерных системах с учетом взаимодействия света с веществом
Рабочий язык:
Английский, Русский

Публикации руководителя
Выходные данные Год Индексирование в БД
Ivanov D.A., Kudlis A., Burmistrov I.S. Bending rigidity exponent of a two-dimensional crystalline membrane with arbitrary number of flexural phonon modes//Physical Review E, 2024, Vol. 110, No. 2, pp. L022104 2024 Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список
Kudlis A., Aleksandrov I., Alisultanov Z., Varga K., Shelykh I., Shahnazaryan V. Theory of magnetotrion-polaritons in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers//npj 2D Materials and Applications, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 77 2024 Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список
Gulinyan V., Kuzikov F., Podgornyi R., Shirkin D., Zakharov I., Sadrieva Z., Korobkov M., Muzychenko Y., Kudlis A. Transporting Particles with Vortex Rings//Fluids, 2023, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 315 2023 Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список
Kudlis A., Novokreschenov D., Iorsh I., Tokatly I.V. Nonperturbative effects of deep strong light-matter interaction in a mesoscopic cavity-QED system//Physical Review A, 2023, Vol. 108, No. 5, pp. L051701 2023 Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список
Novokreschenov D., Kudlis A., Iorsh I., Tokatly I.V. Quantum electrodynamical density functional theory for generalized Dicke model//Physical Review B, 2023, Vol. 108, No. 23, pp. 235424 2023 Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список
Kudlis A., Aharony A., Entin-Wohlman O. Effective exponents near bicritical points//European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2023, Vol. 232, No. 20-22, pp. 3471-3477 2023 Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список
Adzhemyan L., Kudlis A. Stability of Phi4-vector model: Four-loop Epsilon expansion study//Physical Review E, 2023, Vol. 107, No. 2, pp. 024133 2023 Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список
Nosov P., Khaymovich I., Kudlis A., Kravtsov V. Statistics of Green's functions on a disordered Cayley tree and the validity of forward scattering approximation//SciPost Physics, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 048 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Kudlis A., Pikelner A. Critical behavior of isotropic systems with strong dipole-dipole interaction: Three-loop study//Nuclear Physics B, 2022, Vol. 985, pp. 115990 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Adzhemyan L., Evdokimov D., Hnatic M., Ivanova E.V., Kompaniets M., Kudlis A., Zakharov D.V. Model A of critical dynamics: 5-loop Epsilon expansion study//Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, Vol. 600, pp. 127530 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Adzhemyan L., Ivanova E.V., Kompaniets M., Kudlis A., Sokolov A.I. Six-loop Epsilon expansion of three-dimensional U(n)xU(m) models//Nuclear Physics B, 2022, Vol. 975, pp. 115680 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Aleksandrov I., Tumakov D.A., Kudlis A., Zaytsev V.A., Rosanov N.N. Scattering of a twisted electron wavepacket by a finite laser pulse//Physical Review A, 2022, Vol. 106, No. 3, pp. 033119 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Aharony A., Entin-Wohlman O., Kudlis A. Different critical behaviors in perovskites with a structural phase transition from cubic-to-trigonal and cubic-to-tetragonal symmetry//Physical Review B, 2022, Vol. 105, No. 10, pp. 104101 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Kudlis A., Iorsh I., Tokatly I.V. Dissipation and spontaneous emission in quantum electrodynamical density functional theory based on optimized effective potential: A proof of concept study//Physical Review B, 2022, Vol. 105, No. 5, pp. 054317 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Adzhemyan L., Evdokimov D., Hnatich M., Ivanova E.V., Kompaniets M., Kudlis A., Zakharov D.V. The dynamic critical exponent z for 2d and 3d Ising models from five-loop Epsilon expansion//Physics Letters A, 2022, Vol. 425, pp. 127870 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Kompaniets M., Kudlis A., Sokolov A.I. Critical behavior of the weakly disordered Ising model: Six-loop root epsilon expansion study//Physical Review E, 2021, Vol. 103, No. 2, pp. 022134 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Kudlis A., Iorsh I. Modeling excitonic Mott transitions in two-dimensional semiconductors//Physical Review B, 2021, Vol. 103, No. 11, pp. 115307 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Kudlis A., Iorsh I., Shelykh I.A. All-optical resonant magnetization switching in monolayers//Physical Review B, 2021, Vol. 104, No. 2, pp. L020412 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Kudlis A., Rakhmanova G., Iorsh I. Many-body phenomena in semiconductors and cluster expansion approach//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, Vol. 2300, pp. 020072 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Kudlis A., Sokolov A.I. Universal effective couplings of the three-dimensional n-vector model and field theory//Nuclear Physics B, 2020, Vol. 950, pp. 114881 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Aleksandrov I.A., Tumakov D.A., Kudlis A., Shabaev V.M., Rosanov N. Relativistic electron-spin dynamics in a strong unipolar laser field//Physical Review A, 2020, Vol. 102, No. 2, pp. 023102 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Kompaniets M.V., Kudlis A., Sokolov A.I. Six-loop epsilon expansion study of three-dimensional O (n)xO (m) spin models//Nuclear Physics B, 2020, Vol. 950, pp. 114874 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Adzhemyan L.T., Ivanova E.V., Kompaniets M.V., Kudlis A., Sokolov A.I. Six-loop epsilon expansion study of three-dimensional n-vector model with cubic anisotropy//Nuclear Physics B, 2019, Vol. 940, pp. 332-350 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Sokolov A.I., Kudlis A., Nikitina M.A. Effective potential of the three-dimensional Ising model: The pseudo-epsilon expansion study//Nuclear Physics B, 2017, Vol. 921, pp. 225-235 2017 Scopus, Web of Science
Kudlis A., Sokolov A.I. Field theory and anisotropy of a cubic ferromagnet near the Curie point//Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2017, Vol. 190, No. 2, pp. 295-302 2017 Scopus, Web of Science
Kudlis A., Sokolov A.I. Anisotropy of a cubic ferromagnet at criticality//Physical Review E, 2016, Vol. 94, No. 4, pp. 042107 2016 Scopus, Web of Science
Sokolov A.I., Nikitina M.A., Kudlis A. Universal effective coupling constant ratios of 3D scalar phi(4) field theory and pseudo-epsilon expansion//EPJ Web of Conferences, 2016, Vol. 125, pp. 05001 2016 Scopus, Web of Science