Научные руководители
Кашевник Алексей Михайловичкандидат технических наук kashevnik@itmo.ru Структурное подразделение: факультет информационных технологий и программирования Должность: доцент (квалификационная категория "ординарный доцент") Профиль: 1.2.1. - Искусственный интеллект и машинное обучение 05.13.11 - Математическое и программное обеспечение вычислительных машин, комплексов и компьютерных сетей 2.3.5. - Математическое и программное обеспечение вычислительных систем, комплексов и компьютерных сетей Область интересов: Управление знаниями, облачные среды, человеко-машинное взаимодействие, робототехника, профилирование, онтологии, интеллектуальные пространства. Компьютерное зрение Распознавание образов Распознавание паттернов Мониторинг человека. Рабочий язык: Английский, Русский |
Публикации руководителя
Выходные данные | Год | Индексирование в БД |
Othman W., Kashevnik A., Ali A., Shilov N., Ryumin D. Remote Heart Rate Estimation Based on Transformer with Multi-Skip Connection Decoder: Method and Evaluation in the Wild//Sensors, 2024, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 775 | 2024 | Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список |
Kashevnik A.M., Kassab K. AI-Based Approach to Assessing Participant’s Abilities System Development for Work in Sales Through Video Interview Analysis//Наука и технологии в трансформации социально-экономического ландшафта: сборник научных трудов по материалам 9-ой Международной научно-практической конференции ТECHNOPERSPECTIVE 2023 «Технологическая перспектива: новые рынки и точки экономического роста», 2024, pp. 118-121 | 2024 | |
Kashevnik A.M., Khamud B. An approach and evaluation to mental performance classification based on eye movement monitoring//Наука и технологии в трансформации социально-экономического ландшафта: сборник научных трудов по материалам 9-ой Международной научно-практической конференции ТECHNOPERSPECTIVE 2023 «Технологическая перспектива: новые рынки и точки экономического роста», 2024, pp. 164-167 | 2024 | |
Petrov A., Haleev M., Kashevnik A., Ali A., Ivanov A., Samochernykh K., Rozhchenko L., Bobinov V. AI-Based Approach to One-Click Chronic Subdural Hematoma Segmentation Using Computed Tomography Images//Sensors, 2024, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 721 | 2024 | Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список |
Ryumin D., Axyonov A., Ryumina E., Ivanko D., Kashevnik A., Karpov A. Audio-visual speech recognition based on regulated transformer and spatio-temporal fusion strategy for driver assistive systems//Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, Vol. 252, No. Part A, pp. 124159 | 2024 | Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список |
Othman W., Khamud B., Shilov N., Kashevnik A. Human Operator Mental Fatigue Assessment Based on Video: ML-Driven Approach and Its Application to HFAVD Dataset//Applied Sciences, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 22, pp. 10510 | 2024 | Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список |
Axyonov A., Ryumin D., Ivanko D., Kashevnik A., Karpov A. Audio-Visual Speech Recognition In-The-Wild: Multi-Angle Vehicle Cabin Corpus and Attention-Based Method//2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2024, pp. 8195-8199 | 2024 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Romaniuk V., Kashevnik A. Intelligent Eye Gaze Localization Method Based on EEG Analysis Using Wearable Headband//Информатика и автоматизация [Informatics and Automation], 2024, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 521-541 | 2024 | RSCI, Scopus, Белый список, ВАК, РИНЦ |
Shushkova V., Kashevnik A., Rzhonsnitskaya Y., Blazhenov A. Analysis of the Vehicle Maneuver and Driver Emotion: Methodology and Results Discussion//Proceedings of the 35th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2024, pp. 699-706 | 2024 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Hasan F., Kashevnik A. Intelligent Frame and Table Segmentation in Blueprint Documents: Method and Implementation//Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2023, Vol. 597, pp. 837–845 | 2023 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kassab K., Kashevnik A., Mayatin A., Zubok D. VPTD: Human Face Video Dataset for Personality Traits Detection//Data, 2023, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 113 | 2023 | Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список |
Kashevnik A., Ali A., Mayatin A. AI-Based Method for Frame Detection in Engineering Drawings//2023 International Russian Smart Industry Conference (SmartIndustryCon), 2023, pp. 5 | 2023 | Scopus |
Kashevnik A., Ali A. LightWeight 2D Map Construction of Vehicle Environments Using a Semi-Supervised Depth Estimation Approach//Engineering Proceedings, 2023, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 28 | 2023 | Scopus |
Kashevnik A., Ali A. Vehicle Offline Localization Based on Computer Vision: an Approach Based on Image Matching Retrieval Algorithms and Implementation//Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2023, pp. 125-131 | 2023 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Ivanko D., Ryumina E., Ryumin D., Axyonov A., Kashevnik A., Karpov A. EMO-AVSR: Two-Level Approach for Audio-Visual Emotional Speech Recognition//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2023, Vol. 14338, pp. 18-31 | 2023 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Othman W., Hamoud B., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Ali A. A Machine Learning-Based Correlation Analysis between Driver Behaviour and Vital Signs: Approach and Case Study//Sensors, 2023, Vol. 23, No. 17, pp. 7387 | 2023 | Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список |
Hamoud B., Kashevnik A., Othman W., Shilov N. Neural Network Model Combination for Video-Based Blood Pressure Estimation: New Approach and Evaluation//Sensors, 2023, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 1753 | 2023 | Scopus, Web of Science, Белый список |
Kashevnik A., Glekler E., Stankevich A., Stradina M., Kucheruk E. Intelligent Service for Hybrid Analysis of Continuous Mental Processes Based on EEG and Video Data//Proceedings of the 34rd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2023, pp. 66-72 | 2023 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Hamoud B., Othman W., Shilov N., Kashevnik A. Contactless Oxygen Saturation Detection Based on Face Analysis: An Approach and Case Study//Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2023, pp. 54-62 | 2023 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kassab K., Kashevnik A., Glekler E., Mayatin A. Human Sales Ability Estimation Based on Interview Video Analysis//Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2023, pp. 132-138 | 2023 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Othman W., Kashevnik A., Ryabchikov I., Shilov N. Contactless Camera-Based Approach for Driver Respiratory Rate Estimation in Vehicle Cabin//Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2023, Vol. 543, pp. 429–442 | 2023 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Глеклер Э.В., Кашевник А.М., Шемякина Н.В., Нагорнова Ж.В., Брак И.В., Станкевич А.С. Сервис гибридного анализа электрической активности мозга и видеотрекинга состояния человека // Информационные технологии и вычислительные системы -2023. - № 4. - С. 72-85 | 2023 | RSCI, Белый список, ВАК, РИНЦ |
Kashevnik A., Ali A. 3D Vehicle Detection and Segmentation Based on EfficientNetB3 and CenterNet Residual Blocks//Sensors, 2022, Vol. 22, No. 20, pp. 7990 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Axyonov A., Kashevnik A., Karpov A. Multi-Speaker Audio-Visual Corpus RUSAVIC: Russian Audio-Visual Speech in Cars//13th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2022, 2022, pp. 1555-1559 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Nikitin E., Kashevnik A., Shilov N. Spare Parts Sales Forecasting for Mining Equipment: Methods Analysis and Evaluation//Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, Vol. 418, pp. 410-420 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Nikitin E., Kashevnik A., Shilov N. Shopping Basket Analisys for Mining Equipment: Comparison and Evaluation of Modern Methods//Proceedings of the 31st Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2022, pp. 207-213 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Othman W., Kashevnik A., Ali A., Shilov N. DriverMVT: In-Cabin Dataset for Driver Monitoring including Video and Vehicle Telemetry Information//Data, 2022, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 62 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Аксёнов А., Рюмин Д., Кашевник А.М., Иванько Д., Карпов А.А. Метод визуального анализа лица водителя для автоматического чтения речи по губам при управлении транспортным средством [Method for visual analysis of driver's face for automatic lip-reading in the wild] // Компьютерная оптика [Computer Optics] -2022. - Т. 46. - № 6. - С. 955-962 | 2022 | RSCI, Scopus, Web of Science, ВАК, РИНЦ |
Ivanko D., Kashevnik A., Ryumin D., Kitenko A., Axyonov A., Lashkov I., Karpov A. MIDriveSafely: Multimodal Interaction for Drive Safely//ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2022, pp. 733-735 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Kashevnik A., Axyonov A., Kitenko A., Lashkov I., Karpov A. DAVIS: Driver's Audio-Visual Speech Recognition//Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 2022, pp. 1141-1142 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Othman W., Kashevnik A., Hamoud B., Shilov N. DriverSVT: Smartphone-Measured Vehicle Telemetry Data for Driver State Identification//Data, 2022, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. 181 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Othman W., Kashevnik A. Video-Based Real-Time Heart Rate Detection for Drivers Inside the Cabin Using a Smartphone//2022 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Systems (IoTaIS), 2022, pp. 142–146 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashtanov K., Kashevnik A., Shilov N. Using Triple Exponential Smoothing and Autoregressive Models to Mining Equipment Details Sales Forecast//Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2022, Vol. 1503, pp. 506–521 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Ponomarev A., Shilov N., Chechulin A. Threats detection during human-computer interaction in driver monitoring systems//Sensors, 2022, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 2380 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Ali A. Driving Safe Speed Estimation Based on Outside Environment Vision Analysis//Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2022, pp. 121-127 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Kashevnik A., Axyonov A., Karpov A. Visual Speech Recognition in a Driver Assistance System//30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2022, pp. 1131-1135 | 2022 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Mikhailov S., Kashevnik A., Smirnov A., Parfenov V. Smart Mobility Support for Vehicle-based Tourism: Theoretical and Technological Foundations//8th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, VEHITS 2022, 2022, pp. 105-115 | 2022 | Scopus |
Maliutin V., Kashevnik A. Human Psychophysiological Activity Detection Based on Wearable Electronics//10th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2021, 2021, pp. 419-425 | 2021 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Петров М.В., Кашевник А.М. Подход к уточнению уровня владения компетенциями человеческих ресурсов в профессиональных сетях // Информационные технологии и вычислительные системы -2021. - № 2. - С. 11-21 | 2021 | RSCI, ВАК, РИНЦ |
Kashevnik A., Othman W., Ryabchikov I.A., Shilov N.G. Estimation of motion and respiratory characteristics during the meditation practice based on video analysis//Sensors, 2021, Vol. 21, No. 11, pp. 3771 | 2021 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Hasan F., Kashevnik A.M. State-of-the-Art Analysis of Modern Drowsiness Detection Algorithms Based on Computer Vision//Proceedings of the 29th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2021, pp. 141-149 | 2021 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Mikhailov S.A., Kashevnik A.M. Car tourist trajectory prediction based on bidirectional lstm neural network//Electronics, 2021, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 1390 | 2021 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Lashkov I., Axyonov A., Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Kolchin A., Karpov A. Multimodal Corpus Design for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition in Vehicle Cabin//IEEE Access, 2021, Vol. 9, pp. 34986-35003 | 2021 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Shchedrin R., Kaiser C., Stocker A. Driver Distraction Detection Methods: A Literature Review and Framework//IEEE Access, 2021, Vol. 9, pp. 60063-60076 | 2021 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Ali A. Comparison Platform Design for Neural Network Models Evaluation in Driver Monitoring Systems//Proceedings of the 28th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2021, pp. 9347576 | 2021 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Ali A., Lashkov I., Zubok D. Human Head Angle Detection Based on Image Analysis//Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021, Vol. 1288, pp. 233-242 | 2021 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Petrov M., Kashevnik A. Expert Competence Level Adjustment Based on the Project Participation: Method and Evaluation//Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 2021, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 1-15 | 2021 | |
Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Axyonov A., Kashevnik A. Speaker-Dependent Visual Command Recognition in Vehicle Cabin: Methodology and Evaluation//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2021, Vol. 12997, pp. 291-302 | 2021 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A.M., PHAM TUAN A. Evaluation of face analysis methods for personalization in driver monitoring systems//Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering, TMCE 2020, 2020, pp. 343-351 | 2020 | |
Гельштейн А.К., Кашевник А.М. Автоматизация процесса обслуживания станка коллаборативным роботом на основе шаблонно-ориентированного программирования // Известия Волгоградского государственного технического университета -2020. - № 9(244). - С. 22-25 | 2020 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Mikhailov S.A., Kashevnik A.M. Tourist Behaviour Analysis Based on Digital Pattern of Life-An Approach and Case Study//Future internet, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 10, pp. 165 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Аксёнов А., Иванько Д., Лашков И.Б., Рюмин Д., Кашевник А.М., Карпов А.А. Методика создания многомодального корпуса для аудиовизуального распознавания речи в ассистивных транспортных системах // Информатизация и связь -2020. - № 5. - С. 87-93 | 2020 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Lindow F., Kaiser C., Kashevnik A., Stocker A. AI-Based Driving Data Analysis for Behavior Recognition in Vehicle Cabin//Proceedings of the 27th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2020, pp. 116-125 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Ponomarev A., Shilov N., Chechulin A. In-Vehicle Situation Monitoring for Potential Threats Detection Based on Smartphone Sensors//Sensors, 2020, Vol. 20, No. 18, pp. 5049 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Фам Т., Кашевник А.М., Чечулин А.А. Оценка методов анализа лицевых характеристик для персонализации в системах мониторинга водителя // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и технические науки -2020. - № 7. - С. 154-160 | 2020 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Kashevnik A., Teslya N., Ponomarev A.V., Lashkov I., Mayatin A., Parfenov V.G. Driver Monitoring Cloud Organisation Based on Smartphone Camera and Sensor Data//Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020, Vol. 1134, pp. 593-600 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Kruglov M., Saveliev N., Parfenov V., Mayatin A. Motivational and Personalization Strategies for Human Activities in Everyday Life//Proceedings of the 26th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2020, pp. 136-142 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Lashkov I., Ponomarev A., Teslya N., Gurtov A. Cloud-Based Driver Monitoring System Using a Smartphone//IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, Vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 6701-6715 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Ali A., Lashkov I., Shilov N. Seat Belt Fastness Detection Based on Image Analysis from Vehicle In-Cabin Camera//Proceedings of the 26th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2020, pp. 143-150 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Kruglov M., Lashkov I., Teslya N., Mikhailova P., Ripachev E., Malutin V., Saveliev N., Ryabchikov I. Human Psychophysiological Activity Estimation Based on Smartphone Camera and Wearable Electronics//Future internet, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 111 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Mikhailov S.A., Kashevnik A.M., Smirnov A.V. Tourist Behaviour Analysis Based on Digital Pattern of Life//7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2020, 2020, pp. 622-627 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Mikhailov S., Shilov N., Orlova D., Gusikhin O., Martinez H. Context-Driven Tourist Trip Planning Support System: An Approach and OpenStreetMap-Based Attraction Database Formation//Information Fusion and Intelligent Geographic Information Systems, 2020, pp. 139-154 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Lashkov I., Kashevnik A. Smartphone-based intelligent driver assistant: Context model and dangerous state recognition scheme//Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020, Vol. 1038, pp. 152-165 | 2020 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Levashova T., Kashevnik A. Enterprise Ontology for Service Interoperability in Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems//Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences, 2019, Vol. 9, pp. 203-213 | 2019 | Scopus |
Петров М.В., Кашевник А.М. Управление человеческими ресурсами для совместного решения задач на основе подходов к управлению компетенциями и геймификации // Информационно-измерительные и управляющие системы -2019. - Т. 17. - № 5. - С. 100-106 | 2019 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Калязина Д.М., Кашевник А.М. Разработка и оценка онтологии социокиберфизической системы на основе анализа типовых сценариев использования мобильных роботов // Научный вестник Новосибирского государственного технического университета -2019. - № 2(75). - С. 21-36 | 2019 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Kashevnik A., Lashkov I., Gurtov A. Methodology and Mobile Application for Driver Behavior Analysis and Accident Prevention//IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 2427-2436 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A.M., Karelskaya K., Repp M.G. Dangerous Situations Determination by Smartphone in Vehicle Cabin: Classification and Algorithms//Proceedings of the 24th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2019, pp. 130-139 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Lashkov I., Ryumin D., Karpov A. Smartphone-based driver support in vehicle cabin: Human-computer interaction interface//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2019, Vol. 11659 LNAI, pp. 129-138 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Lashkov I., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Parfenov V.G., Shabaev A. Driver Dangerous State Detection Based on OpenCV & Dlib Libraries Using Mobile Video Processing//22nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering and 17th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, CSE/EUC 2019, 2019, pp. 74-79 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Teslya N., Mikhailov S., Petrov M., Shabaev A., Krasov A. Ridesharing for Carsharing Service Provider: Driver and Pedestrian Route Matching//Proceedings of the 25th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2019, pp. 146-152 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Gutschmidt A., Sauer V., Sandkuhl K., Kashevnik A. Identifying HCI Patterns for the Support of Participatory Enterprise Modeling on Multi-Touch Tables//Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2019, Vol. 369, pp. 118-133 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Lashkov I., Teslya N. Driver intelligent support system in internet of transportation things: Smartphone-based approach//14th Annual Conference System of Systems Engineering, SoSE 2019, 2019, pp. 170-175 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Lashkov I. Intelligent Driver Decision Support System in Vehicle Cabin: Reference Model for Dangerous Events Recognition and Learning//IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA, 2019, pp. 27-31 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Lindow F., Kashevnik A. Driver Behavior Monitoring Based on Smartphone Sensor Data and Machine Learning Methods//Proceedings of the 25th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2019, pp. 196-203 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Михайлов С.А., Кашевник А.М. Метод построения туристического маршрута среди достопримечательностей на основе контекстной информации // Информационно-измерительные и управляющие системы -2019. - Т. 17. - № 5. - С. 107-113 | 2019 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Petrov M., Shilov N.G., Schafer T., Jung T. Competence-Based Language Expert Network for Translation Business Process Management//Proceedings of the 25th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2019, pp. 279-284 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A.M., Mikhailov S., Papadakis H., Fragopoulou P. Context-Driven Tour Planning Service: An Approach Based on Synthetic Coordinates Recommendation//Proceedings of the 24th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2019, pp. 140–147 | 2019 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Fedotov A., Lashkov I., Kashevnik A. Web-Service for Drive Safely System User Analysis: Architecture and Implementation//Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2018, pp. 40-47 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kalyazina D., Kashevnik A. Socio-Cyberphysical System Resource Semantic Interoperability: General Scenarios and Ontology//Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2018, pp. 320-326 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Mikhailov S., Kashevnik A. Smartphone-Based Tourist Trip Planning System: A Context-Based Approach to Offline Attraction Recommendation//MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, Vol. 161, pp. 3026 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kim J., Sato K., Hashimoto N., Kashevnik A., Tomita K., Miyakoshi S., Takinami Y., Matsumoto O., Boyali A. Impact of the face angle to traveling trajectory during the riding standing-Type personal mobility device//MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, Vol. 161, pp. 3001 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A. Semantic Interoperability for Coalition Creation by Mobile Robots and Humans: an Approach and Case Study//IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018, Vol. 51, No. 11, pp. 1409-1414 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Степаненко В.А., Кашевник А.М., Гуртов А.В. Контекстно-ориентированное управление компетенциями в экспертных сетях [Context-oriented competence management in expert networks] // Труды СПИИРАН [SPIIRAS Proceedings] -2018. - № 4(59). - С. 164-191 | 2018 | Scopus, ВАК, РИНЦ |
Kashevnik A., Teslya N. Blockchain-Oriented Coalition Formation by CPS Resources: Ontological Approach and Case Study//Electronics, 2018, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 66 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Petrov M., Kashevnik A., Stepanenko V.A. Competence-Based Method of Human Community Forming in Expert Network for Joint Task Solving//Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018, Vol. 858, pp. 24-38 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Kalyazina D., Parfenov V., Shabaev A., Baraniuc O., Lashkov I., Khegai M. Ontology-Based Human-Robot Interaction: An Approach and Case Study on Adaptive Remote Control Interface//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2018, Vol. 11097, pp. 116-125 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Shilov N., Kashevnik A., Mikhailov S. Context-Aware Generation of Personalized Audio Tours: Approach and Evaluation//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2018, Vol. 11096, pp. 615-624 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Pilla F., Russo G., Timoney D., Sweeney S., Shorten R., Ordonez-Hurtado R. Context-Based Cyclist Intelligent Support: An Approach to e-Bike Control Based on Smartphone Sensors//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2018, Vol. 11118, pp. 16-22 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Petrov M., Kashevnik A. Expert Group Formation for Task Performing: Competence-Based Method and Implementation//Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2018, pp. 315-320 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Mikhailov S.A., Kashevnik A.M. An Ontology for Service Semantic Interoperability in the Smartphone-Based Tourist Trip Planning System//Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2018, pp. 239-245 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Lashkov I. Decision Support System for Drivers & Passengers: Smartphone-Based Reference Model and Evaluation//Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2018, pp. 166-171 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Fedotov A., Lashkov I. Dangerous Situation Prediction and Driving Statistics Accumulation Using Smartphone//9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems 2018: Theory, Research and Innovation in Applications, IS 2018 - Proceedings, 2018, pp. 521-527 | 2018 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Лашков И.Б., Кашевник А.М. Онтологическая модель системы предупреждения аварийных ситуаций на основе поведения водителя в кабине транспортного средства // Интеллектуальные технологии на транспорте -2018. - № 4(16). - С. 11-19 | 2018 | РИНЦ |
Кашевник А.М. Подход к обеспечению семантической интероперабельности мобильных роботов при формировании коалиций // Информационные технологии и вычислительные системы -2017. - № 1. - С. 90-100 | 2017 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A.M., Ponomarev A., Shilov N.G. Context-Aware Decision Support in Socio-Cyberphysical Systems: from Smart Space-Based Applications to Human-Computer Cloud Services//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2017, Vol. 10349, No. LNCS, pp. 3-15 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Гугунова П.И., Кашевник А.М. Коллективное информационное взаимодействие участников экспертных сетей: анализ современного состояния исследований // Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics] -2017. - Т. 17. - № 5(111). - С. 859-871 | 2017 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Петров М.В., Кашевник А.М. Онтолого-ориентированный подход к непрямому взаимодействию пользователей и роботов для совместного решения задач // Научный вестник Новосибирского государственного технического университета -2017. - № 1(66). - С. 133-146 | 2017 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Korzun D.G., Balandin S.I., Kashevnik A.M., Smirnov A.V., Gurtov A. Smart spaces-based application development: M3 architecture, design principles, use cases, and evaluation//International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems, 2017, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 66-100 | 2017 | Scopus |
Smirnov A., Shilov N., Kashevnik A., Ponomarev A. Cyber-physical infomobility for tourism application//International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 2017, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 31-52 | 2017 | Scopus |
Миронов М.Д., Кашевник А.М. Адаптивный интерфейс на базе смартфона для системы управления шестиколёсным мобильным роботом // Доклады Томского государственного университета систем управления и радиоэлектроники -2017. - Т. 20. - № 1. - С. 110-118 | 2017 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Михайлов С.А., Кашевник А.М. Организация интеллектуальных пространств на основе платформы Smart-M3 с использованием устройств на базе операционной системы DD-WRT [Smart-M3-based smart space creationusing a DDWRT-based device] // Труды СПИИРАН [SPIIRAS Proceedings] -2017. - № 3(52). - С. 180-203 | 2017 | Scopus, ВАК, РИНЦ |
Petrov M., Kashevnik A. Ontology-Based Indirect Interaction of Users and Mobile Robots for Joint Activities//Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2017, pp. 681–686 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Mikhailov S.A., Kashevnik A.M. M3-Driven Smart Space Creation Using a DD-WRT-Based Device//Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2017, pp. 275-283 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Petrov M.V., Kashevnik A.M. Ontology-based indirect interaction of mobile robots for joint task solving: A scenario for obstacle overcoming//MATEC Web of Conferences, 2017, Vol. 113, pp. 02013 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Petrov M., Parfenov V. Context-Based Coalition Creation in Human-Robot Systems: Approach and Case Study//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2017, Vol. 10459, pp. 229-238 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Wissotzki M., Sandkuhl K., Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N. Digital Signage and Targeted Advertisement Based on Personal Preferences and Digital Business Models//Proceedings of the 21st Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2017, pp. 374-381 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Lashkov I., Parfenov V., Mustafin N.G., Baraniuc O. Context-Based Driver Support System Development: Methodology and Case Study//Proceedings of the 21st Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2017, pp. 162–171 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Кашевник А.М., Пономарев А.В., Смирнов А.В. Полимодельный контекстно-управляемый рекомендующий сервис в области туризма: подход и архитектура // Известия Российской академии наук. Теория и системы управления -2017. - № 2. - С. 77-91 | 2017 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Ponomarev A.V. Context-based infomobility system for cultural heritage recommendation: Tourist Assistant—TAIS//Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2017, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 297-311 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Stepanenko V., Kashevnik A.M. Competence Management Systems in Organisations: a Literature Review//Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2017, pp. 427-433 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Levashova T.V., Kashevnik A.M. Ontology-based cooperation in cyber-physical social systems//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2017, Vol. 10444, pp. 66-79 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A.M., Ponomarev A.V., Smirnov A.V. A multimodel context-aware tourism recommendation service: Approach and architecture//Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, 2017, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 245-258 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Ponomarev A., Kashevnik A. Multi-model service for recommending tourist attractions//Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2017, Vol. 291, pp. 364-386 | 2017 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Lashkov I., Baraniuc O., Parfenov V. Smartphone-Based Identification of Dangerous Driving Situations: Algorithms and Implementation//Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2016, pp. 306-313 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Mikhailov S., Mironov M., Petrov M. Smart M3-based robot interaction scenario for coalition work//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2016, Vol. 9812, pp. 199-207 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Lashkov I. Human-smartphone interaction for dangerous situation detection and recommendation generation while driving//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2016, Vol. 9811, pp. 346-353 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Balandin S., Baraniuc O., Parfenov V. Competency Management System for Technopark Residents: Smart Space-Based Approach//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2016, Vol. 9870, pp. 15-24 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Teslya N., Shilov N., Kashevnik A. Context-Based Trip Planning in Infomobility System for Public Transport//Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016, Vol. 450, pp. 361-371 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Hashimoto N., Okuma T., Miyakoshi S., Tomita K., Matsumoto O., Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Lashkov I. Use Cases for Rider Assistant Mobile Application Evaluation Using Travelling Simulator//Proceedings of the 19th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2016, pp. 47-53 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Viola F., D’Elia A., Korzun D., Galov I., Kashevnik A., Balandin S. The M3 Architecture for Smart Spaces: Overview of Semantic Information Broker Implementations//Proceedings of the 19th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2016, pp. 264-272 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Mikhailov S., Mironov M., Petrov M. Ontology-based collaboration in multi-robot system: Approach and case study//11th Systems of Systems Engineering Conference, SoSE 2016, 2016, pp. 7542945 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Kashevnik A., Teslya N., Yablochnikov E., Arckhipov V., Kipriianov K. Development of a prototype Cyber Physical Production System with help of Smart-M3//42nd Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016, 2016, pp. 4890-4895 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Ponomarev A., Kashevnik A. Tourist Attraction Recommendation Service: An Approach, Architecture and Case Study//ICEIS 2016 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2016, Vol. 2, pp. 251-261 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Кашевник А.М., Баранюк О.А., Гордеев Б.Р. Система управления компетенциями резидентов технопарков // Информационно-управляющие системы -2016. - № 4(83). - С. 10-18 | 2016 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Lashkov I. Driver Assistant in Automotive Socio-cyberphysical System: Reference Model and Case Study//VEHITS 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, 2016, pp. 104-111 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Levashova T.V., Shilov N.G., Kashevnik A.M. Decision support forwide area disasters//Fusion Methodologies in Crisis Management: Higher Level Fusion and Decision Making, 2016, pp. 519-537 | 2016 | Scopus |
Kashevnik A., Teslya N., Yablochnikov E., Arckhipov V., Kipriyanov K. Hybrid Automated Line Workstations Interaction Scenario for Optical Devices Assembly//Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2016, pp. 92-99 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Gordeev B.R., Baraniuk O.A., Kashevnik A.M. Web-Based Competency Management System for Technopark of ITMO University//Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2016, pp. 463-466 | 2016 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Ponomarev A.V., Shchekotov M., Kulakov K.A. Application for e-Tourism: Intelligent Mobile Tourist Guide//IIAI 4th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2015 - Proceedings, 2015, pp. 40-45 | 2015 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Shilov N.G. Cyber-Physical-Social System Self-Organization: Ontology-Based Multi-level Approach and Case Study//International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, SASO, 2015, Vol. 2015, pp. 7306611 | 2015 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Lashkov I., Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Parfenov V.G. Ontology-based approach and implementation of ADAS system for mobile device use while driving//Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2015, Vol. 518, pp. 117-131 | 2015 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Korzun D.G., Kashevnik A.M., Balandin S.I., Smirnov A.V. The Smart-M3 Platform: Experience of Smart Space Application Development for Internet of Things//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2015, Vol. 9247, pp. 56-67 | 2015 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Mikhailov S., Mironov M., Baraniuc O. Multi-Level Robots Self-Organization in Smart Space: Approach and Case Study//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2015, Vol. 9247, pp. 68-79 | 2015 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Ponomarev A.V., Savosin S.V. Ontology-Based Organization of Interactions between Services in the Smart Space for Hybrid System Control//Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 2015, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 367-374 | 2015 | Scopus |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Shilov N.G., Oroszi A., Sinko M., Krebs T. Changing business information systems for innovative configuration processes//CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2015, Vol. 1420, pp. 62-73 | 2015 | Scopus |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Lashkov I., Hashimoto N., Boyali A. Smartphone-based two-wheeled self-balancing vehicles rider assistant//Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2015, pp. 201-209 | 2015 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Лашков И.Б., Смирнов А.В., Кашевник А.М. Исследование и разработка подхода к построению интеллектуального мобильного сервиса для автоматизированной поддержки водителя транспортного средства // Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics] -2015. - Т. 15. - № 6(100). - С. 1130–1138 | 2015 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Kashevnik A.M., Teslya N., Padun B.S., Kipriyanov K., Arckhipov V. Industrial Cyber-Physical System for Lenses Assembly: Configuration Workstation Scenario//Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2015, pp. 62-67 | 2015 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Teslya N., Mikhailov S., Shabaev A. Smart-M3-Based Robots Self-Organization in Pick-and-Place System//Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2015, pp. 210-215 | 2015 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Teslya N. Context-Aware Access Control Model for Privacy Support in Mobile-Based Assisted Living//Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2015, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 333-342 | 2015 | Scopus |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Ponomarev A.V. Multi-level self-organization in cyber-physical-social systems: smart home cleaning scenario//Procedia CIRP, 2015, Vol. 30, pp. 329–334 | 2015 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Levashova T.V., Shilov N.G., Kashevnik A.M. Context-aware decision support in dynamic environments: Theoretical and technological foundations//Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015, Vol. 319, pp. 3-20 | 2015 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Смирнов А.В., Кашевник А.М., Михайлов С.А., Миронов М.Д. Многоуровневая самоорганизация ресурсов киберфизической системы: контекстно-ориентированный подход и реализация // Искусственный интеллект и принятие решений -2015. - № 4. - С. 3-11 | 2015 | ВАК, РИНЦ |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Shilov N.G., Ponomarev A.V. Smart Space-Based in-Vehicle Application for e-Tourism: Technological Framework and Implementation for Ford SYNC//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2014, Vol. 8638, No. LNCS, pp. 52-61 | 2014 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Teslya N., Shabaev A.I. Mobile Application for Guiding Tourist Activities: Tourist Assistant – TAIS//Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2014, pp. 95-100 | 2014 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Ponomarev A., Shilov N. Location-Based On-Board System for e-Tourism Implementation for Ford SYNC//2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo, ICCVE 2014 - Proceedings, 2014, pp. 7297529 | 2014 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N. Infomobility for “Car-Driver” Systems: Reference Model and Case Study//IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2014, Vol. 434, pp. 739-748 | 2014 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Gusikhin O. Context-Driven On-Board Information Support: Smart Space-Based Architecture//Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), 2014 6th International Congress on, 2014, pp. 99-104 | 2014 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Shilov N.G., Ponomarev A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Parfenov V.G. Group context-aware recommendation systems//Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 2014, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 325-334 | 2014 | Scopus |
Smirnov A.V., Levashova T.V., Kashevnik A.M., Shilov N.G. Context-aware decision support in dynamic environments: Methodology and case study//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2014, Vol. 8502, No. LNAI, pp. 325-334 | 2014 | Scopus |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Ponomarev A.V., Teslya N., Shchekotov M., Balandin S.I. Smart space-based tourist recommendation system: Application for mobile devices//Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2014, Vol. 8638, No. LNCS, pp. 40-51 | 2014 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Ponomarev A., Shilov N., Teslya N. Proactive Recommendation System for m-Tourism Application//Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2014, Vol. 194, pp. 113-127 | 2014 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Ponomarev A.V., Shilov N., Shchekotov M., Teslya N. Smart Space-Based Intelligent Mobile Tourist Guide: Service-Based Implementation//Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Proceedings of 15th Conference, 2014, pp. 126–134 | 2014 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Korzun D., Galov I., Kashevnik A.M., Balandin S. Virtual Shared Workspace for Smart Spaces and M3-based Case Study//Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Proceedings of 15th Conference, 2014, pp. 60-68 | 2014 | Scopus, Web of Science |
Смирнов А.В., Шилов Н.Г., Пономарев А.В., Кашевник А.М., Парфенов В.Г. Групповые контекстно-управляемые рекомендующие системы // Искусственный интеллект и принятие решений -2013. - № 4. - С. 14–25 | 2013 | ВАК, РИНЦ |