Духанов Алексей Валентинович

доктор технических наук, доцент
Структурное подразделение:
национальный центр когнитивных разработок
ведущий научный сотрудник
Структурное подразделение:
факультет цифровых трансформаций
доцент (квалификационная категория "ординарный доцент")
2.3.4. - Управление в организационных системах
1.2.1. - Искусственный интеллект и машинное обучение
1.2.1 - Искусственный интеллект и машинное обучение
1.2.2. - Математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ

Область интересов:
Разработка/модификация математических моделей и программных средств для решения комплексных задач в образовании. Объектно-ориентированный подход и интеллектуальные технологии в формировании и обработке образовательного контента. Методы и технологии поддержки принятия решений в управлении сложными организационными системами с применением машинного обучения на основе распределенных разнородных данных.
Рабочий язык:
Английский, Русский

Публикации руководителя
Выходные данные Год Индексирование в БД
Deviatiarova E., Fadeev S., Dukhanov A. Analyzing Proficiency Patterns in Test Results Using Clustering and Augmentation Algorithms//Procedia Computer Science, 2023, Vol. 229, pp. 254-264 2023 Scopus, Web of Science
Terentieva E., Zheltova K., Dukhanov A. An Approach to Automate the Scientific Paper's Evaluation Based on NLP Technologies: the Experience in the Russian Segment of Financial Technologies Field//Procedia Computer Science, 2023, Vol. 229, pp. 294-304 2023 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Chistyakova T.B. Educational Programs’ Development in the Field of Software Systems for Designing and Control Cyber-Physical Systems Using Information Modeling Technologies//Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2022, Vol. 416, pp. 365-381 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Lutsenko A.E. An Approach to Research Teams Teaching "as you go" for High-Quality Grant Proposals Writing Based on the Experience of ITMO University//Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2022, pp. 1-7 2022 Scopus, Web of Science
Сметанин А.А., Першуткин А.Э., Духанов А.В. Классификация признаков на поверхностях цветов с помощью сжатых моделей машинного обучения // Современные наукоёмкие технологии -2022. - № 6. - С. 29-34 2022 ВАК, РИНЦ
Гороховатский Л.Ю., Духанов А.В., Никифорова Я.А., Хилл-Артамонова Е.В. Цифровая трансформация личности в контексте современной реальности // Credo new -2021. - № 3(107). - С. 7 2021 РИНЦ
Dukhanov A., Lutsenko A., Klimova A., Kraev S. A Systemically Synergistic Approach to the Design of Integrative Advanced Training Courses in the Field of Cross-Cutting Technologies//Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2021, pp. 1-9 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Aksamentov E., Basov O.O., Tolstoy I., Dukhanov A. Development of An Algorithm for Data Augmentation in the Problem of Object Classification on SAR Images using Convolutional Neural Networks//15th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT 2021, 2021, pp. 1-4 2021 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Gorokhovatsky L.Y., Pershutkin A.E., Koniukhov S. Object-Oriented Approach for Quick Preparation of Learning Materials in Conditions of Digital Transformations and Rapid Updates of Scientific Results//Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2020, pp. 9273988 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A., Gorokhovatsky L., Dobrovolskii N., Lutsenko A. An Approach for Arranging the Learning Process in Terms of Digital Transformations with the Use of the Object-Oriented Approach and Reusable Abstractions//14th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT 2020, 2020, pp. 9368583 2020 Scopus, Web of Science
Pershutkin A.E., Dukhanov A.V., Gladilin P.E. An Approach to Terrain Trafficability Evaluation Based on a Neural Network for Emergency Decision-Support Systems//13th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT 2019, 2019, pp. 8981782 2019 Scopus, Web of Science
Bochenina K., Bilyatdinova A., Dukhanov A., Atanasulis G. Implementation and deployment of transdisciplinary learning environments during short-term educational events on computational science//International Journal of Engineering Education, 2017, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 1233-1241 2017 Scopus, Web of Science
Kogtikov N.S., Dukhanov A.V., Bochenina K.O. Modeling Knowledge Transfer and the Transdisciplinary Effect on Project-based Learning Activities//Procedia Computer Science, 2016, Vol. 80, pp. 1989-1999 2016 Scopus, Web of Science
Bochenina K., Dukhanov A., Karpova M., Shmelev V. An approach to hybrid learning resource design for training professionals in Computational Science//Procedia Computer Science, 2016, Vol. 101, pp. 439–448 2016 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Boukhanovsky A.V. ., Sidorova T., Spitsyna N. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Digital Humanities: an International Master Program via Trans-Eurasian Universities Network//Procedia Computer Science, 2016, Vol. 101, pp. 449–451 2016 Scopus, Web of Science
Karpova M.S., Shmelev V.A., Dukhanov A.V. Information resource based on scientific software as a core of interdisciplinary learning resources//Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2016, pp. 7757456 2016 Scopus, Web of Science
Shmelev V., Karpova M., Kogtikov N., Dukhanov A. Students' development of information-seeking skills in a computer-aided quest//Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2016, pp. 7757402 2016 Scopus, Web of Science
Shmelev V.A., Dukhanov A.V., Knyazkov K.V. ., Ivanov S.V. . Bus Scheduling in Dynamical Urban Transport Networks with the use of Genetic Algorithms and High Performance Computing Technologies//Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016, Vol. 416, pp. 97-104 2016 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Bolgova E.V., Bezgodov A.A., Bezborodov L.A., Boukhanovsky A.V. The Approach to Extension of the CLAVIRE Cloud Platform for the Researchers’ Collaboration//Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016, Vol. 416, pp. 467-481 2016 Scopus, Web of Science
Bilyatdinova A., Karsakov A., Bezgodov A., Dukhanov A. Virtual Environment for Creative and Collaborative Learning//Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016, Vol. 416, pp. 371-381 2016 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Bilyatdinova A.Z., Bochenina K.O., Karbovskiy V.A. . The Approach to Design of STEM Courses' Learning Resources based on Students' Activity with the use of Scientific Resources' Databases//Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2015, pp. 7344417 2015 Scopus, Web of Science
Shmelev V., Karpova M., Dukhanov A.V. An Approach of Learning Path Sequencing based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and Domain Ontologies with the use of Genetic Algorithms//Procedia Computer Science, 2015, Vol. 66, pp. 711-719 2015 Scopus, Web of Science
Guleva V.Y., Dukhanov A.V. Influence of the External Environment Behaviour on the Banking System Stability//Procedia Computer Science, 2015, Vol. 51, pp. 1603–1612 2015 Scopus, Web of Science
Karpova M.S., Shmelev V.A., Dukhanov A.V. An Automation of the Course Design with use of Learning Objects with evaluation based on the Bloom taxonomy//Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), 2015 9th International Conference on, 2015, pp. 138-142 2015 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Karpova M.S., Shmelev V.A. An Automation of the Course Design Based on Mathematical Modeling and Genetic Algorithms//Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2015, pp. 7344325 2015 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Trofimenko T.B., Karpova M.S., Bezborodov L.A., Bezgodov A.A., Bilyatdinova A.Z., Lutsenko A.E. Approach to Automation of Cloud Learning Resources’ Design for Courses in Computational Science Based on eScience Resources with the Use of the CLAVIRE Platform//Procedia Computer Science, 2015, Vol. 51, pp. 1957–1966 2015 Scopus, Web of Science
Bochenina K.O., Butakov N., Dukhanov A.V., Nasonov D.A. A clustering-based approach to static scheduling of multiple workflows with soft deadlines in heterogeneous distributed systems//Procedia Computer Science, 2015, Vol. 51, pp. 2827–2831 2015 Scopus, Web of Science
Krzhizhanovskaya V.V., Dukhanov A.V., Bilyatdinova A.Z., Boukhanovsky A.V., Sloot P. Russian-Dutch double-degree master’s programme in computational science in the age of global education//Journal of Computational Science, 2015, Vol. 10, pp. 288-298 2015 Scopus, Web of Science
Kogtikov N.S., Dukhanov A.V., Trofimenko T.B. Evaluation based on databases of scientific publications measuring the transdisciplinarity of scientific problems//Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), 2015 9th International Conference on, 2015, pp. 496-500 2015 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Karpova M.S., Bochenina K.O. Design Virtual Learning Labs for Courses in Computational Science with Use of Cloud Computing Technologies//Procedia Computer Science, 2014, Vol. 29, pp. Pages 2472–2482 2014 Scopus, Web of Science
Bochenina K.O., Boukhanovskaya I.L., Bilyatdinova A.Z., Dukhanov A.V., Lutsenko A.E. Using a cyclic model of knowledge transfer for the development of transdisciplinary learning environments//Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2014, pp. 7044290 2014 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Krzhizhanovskaya V.V. ., Bilyatdinova A.Z., Boukhanovsky A.V. ., Sloot P.M. Double-Degree Master's Program in Computational Science: Experiences of ITMO University and University of Amsterdam//Procedia Computer Science, 2014, Vol. 29, pp. 1433-1455 2014 Scopus, Web of Science
Smirnov P.A., Kovalchuk S.V., Dukhanov A.V. Domain Ontologies Integration for Virtual Modelling and Simulation Environments//Procedia Computer Science, 2014, Vol. 29, pp. 2507 -2514 2014 Scopus, Web of Science
Dukhanov A.V., Smirnov P.A., Karpova M.S., Kovalchuk S.V. e-Learning Course Design Based on the Virtual Simulation Objects Concept//8th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT 2014 - Conference Proceedings, 2014, pp. 7036016 2014 Scopus, Web of Science
Bochenina K., Dukhanov A. An Approach to Rapid Development of Problem-oriented Educational Services Based On Scientific Research//WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 2014, Vol. 93, pp. 877-884 2014
Arseneva A.Z., Dukhanov A.V., Bochenina K.O., Boukhanovsky A.V., Krzhizhanovskaya V.V., Sloot P. Dutch-Russian Double Degree Master's Program Curricula in Computational Science and High Performance Computing//Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2014, pp. 7044195 2014 Scopus, Web of Science
Духанов А.В., Болгова Е.В., Гервич Л.Р., Колпаков В.Г., Кравченко Е.Н., Курочкин И.И., Масленников Е.Д., Офёркин И.В., Рубцов А.О., Смирнов С.А., Штейнберг О.Б., Юрушкин М.В. Предметно-ориентированные технологии создания виртуальных рабочих пространств в среде облачных вычислений CLAVIRE // Известия высших учебных заведений. Приборостроение -2013. - Т. 56. - № 5. - С. 45-51 2013 ВАК, РИНЦ
Чуров Т.Н., Князьков К.В., Иванов С.В., Духанов А.В., Бухановский А.В. Технологии экстренных вычислений в задачах планирования и диспетчеризации маршрутов наземного общественного транспорта // Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics] -2013. - № 5(87). - С. 173-174 2013 ВАК, РИНЦ
Болгова Е.В., Богачева А.В., Балахонцева М.А., Князьков К.В., Духанов А.В., Хоружников С.Э. Автоматизация процесса разработки виртуальных лабораторных практикумов на основе облачных вычислений // Информационно-измерительные и управляющие системы -2012. - Т. 10. - № 11. - С. 71-81 2012 ВАК, РИНЦ
Болгова Е.В., Богачева А.В., Духанов А.В., Князьков К.В., Бухановский А.В. Инфраструктурное обеспечение виртуальных лабораторных практикумов для междисциплинарных образовательных программ в рамках концепции облачных вычислений // Современные проблемы науки и образования -2012. - № 5. - С. 92 2012 ВАК, РИНЦ
Бухановский А.В., Марьин С.В., Князьков К.В., Сиднев А.А., Жабин С.Н., Баглий А.П., Штейнберг Р.Б., Шамакина А.В., Воеводин В.В., Головченко Е.Н., Фалалеев Р.Т., Духанов А.В., Тарасов А.А., Шамардин Л.В., Моисеенко А.И. Результаты реализации проекта "Мобильность молодых ученых" в 2010 году: развитие функциональных элементов технологии iPSE и расширение состава прикладных сервисов // Известия высших учебных заведений. Приборостроение -2011. - Т. 54. - № 10. - С. 80-86 2011 ВАК, РИНЦ